Thursday, July 12, 2007

Flint is Getting What It Paid For: $8.2 million in Legal Damages

There was an interesting article in the Uncommon Sense, July 2007 issue (a newspaper free through ads and available at most Flint restaurants as well as the Flint Public Library), that laid out just how much Williamson has cost the city due to his irresponsibility. While the Don may only be taking a $1 monthly wage, he seems bound and determined to get the city of Flint into as much legal trouble as possible.

He wrongfully discharged the manager of a water treatment plant and refused to let him come back to work in violation of the court order which forced him to. The cost of Williamson's stubbornness: $100,000.

Then Williamson arrested a Flint Journal newspaper delivery boy for doing his job and delivering papers to employees at city hall. Makes sense considering the Journal's negative portrayal of the Mayor. This cost the city $150,000.

Williamson then decided to stiff Complete Auto and Truck Parts for service they had already performed in towing vehicles for the city of Flint. The court awarded Complete Auto $365,000. However, the city's refusal to pay the court cost created interest forcing the city to eventually pay Complete Auto $441,000.

Finally, after sewer backups caused damage to the property of Flint residents, a class action suit was launched against the city of Flint. They were going to settle out of court for $3 million. Don Williamson refused to settle. His stubbornness in this instance cost the city of Flint $10.8 million awarded by the court because he refused to settle.

The city of Flint is still facing serious legal challenges due to Williamson's mismanagement. The city of Flint now faces repercussions for policies passed by the Don which authorized the strip and cavity search of over 100 innocent people at a nightclub in Flint.

How much is Williamson going to cost the city over the next 4 years? Vote on August 7th for anybody but Williamson.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

I have some funny photos of Don if you'd like them for your blog. Shoot me an email if you'd like them.